Time: 3hrs & 20mins
Total Time : 25hrs & 18mins-------------------------------

As I expected the Klean Klay peeled away from the Magic Sculpt nicely. I cut away the excess old layer with a pair of strong scissors, rough sanded the edges and added some new Magic Sculpt to hide the seam and add a bit of strength to the new layer.
I then covered the torso with Klean Klay, masked the arms ready &

added the resin over the body. This is so firstly the cloak wont stick permanently to the torso and secondly so I can create a little bit of detail and the correct shape of the cloak.
I let this sit on the model overnight to cure, it’s very thin, I made it this way so it would pick up t

he detail and I knew it would be week in parts so I’ve added some extra thin layers of Magic Sculpt and have left it again to cure overnight.

I realised it was impossible to get off the cloak because of the arms and I purposely left a split down the middle of the back with the intention of keeping the cloak in two pieces. However this was still no good and I couldn’t get it off the arms. I’ve decided to separate the arms at the end of the skin tight shirt he’s wearing underneath. I took both arms off tonight and bore into the upper arm with a small round dremel attachment to help attach the arm back on.
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