Time: 3hrs & 50mins
Total Time : 29hrs & 8mins-------------------------------

Another long session today as it was my first day off work for a while (besides the public holidays). I did some sanding on the torso part of the cloak and reshaped a little bit but most of my time spent today was sanding the first part of the cloak that I adjusted.
This took a long time but I finally got it nice and smooth. I also rolled out

some Magic Sculpt this morning and draped it over the 2nd piece of the cloak. It had pretty much set by late this afternoon so I pulled out the clay and snapped off the old piece of the cloak, I’ll add some Magic Sculpt inside it tomorrow when it’s fully set. It’s a little thin and delicate compared to the 1st piece so it may need some more resin to strengthen it up.

Lastly, I superglued the 1st cloak piece to the torso piece of the cloak, once it sets overnight I’ll use some more resin to join the pieces so it looks like it should, so far though so good!
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